Anti-gambling sentiment in the British media

Anti-gambling sentiment

Recently, some European countries have been actively fighting against gambling addiction. In some countries, there have been created special registries for compulsive gamblers, which prohibit people with gambling addiction to visit casinos.

However, not all countries understand the difference between responsible play and gambling addiction.

Recently, the UK edition “The Times” has published an article with a harsh criticism of gambling industry. It reveals the stories of compulsive gamblers who have suffered from the gambling industry.

Read also: Hockey player Evander Kane went bankrupt due to gambling addiction

The title of given article in this authoritative edition is as follows: "We gambled away £11.8 million. It’s time to make the betting industry pay".  

This article tells about the group of 30 people from different walks of life who want a strict regulation of gambling market in order to save the others from this fate. Nevertheless, given the sample of a relatively small number of people and such aggressive statements towards online gambling, the constructiveness of material raises some doubts.

All this slightly bothered the representatives of local gambling, given the fact that British authorities want to tighten gambling legislation.

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Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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