Brazilian player won Sunday Million

Sunday Million at PokerStars

Last Sunday, Sunday Million finished at PokerStars, which was held in a progressive knockout format. The players received prizes not only for entering ITM zone, but also for knocking out the other poker players.

Final table action was carried out within two hours. The participants entered the game mainly with good cards, as most of them had short stacks. When only three players left in the tournament, they decided to make a deal.

The British player under the nickname Nick "hattie009" Kappelman and the Brazilian pro Edison "Edison82" Oliveira fought in a heads-up. In the decisive battle, the players had deep stacks and the viewers witnessed a good poker action.  

Read also: PokerStars to host $12.5M GTD Anniversary Sunday Million

In the last hand of tournament, it is worth noting Edison’s tricky call that brought him a victory.

Final hand of tournament

In the final hand, "Edison82" had 55 BB and "hattie009" had 33 BB. The Brazilian pro saw the flop with A-9, and his opponent had 7-10.  

6-4-8 came to the flop, which gave Nick "hattie009" Kappelman opportunity to hit a straight. The jack was dealt on the turn and both players checked. Four appeared on the river and the British player went all-in. However, the Brazilian, in turn, called with an air.

As a result, "Edison82" won with an ace-high and started to celebrate his victory. He earned an excellent prize of $143 000.

Final table results

Final table results at PokerStars

Estimate material
- excellent material
- good material
- normal material
- bad material
- horrible material
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Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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