Celina Lin and four other poker players leave Team PokerStars

Celina Lin Team PokerStars

The end of last year and the beginning of 2021 mark the mass departure of PokerStars ambassadors. Following Chris Moneymaker and Mikhail Shalamov, another well-known poker player decided to leave Team PokerStars.

Chinese female player Celina Lin, who represented the Stars team for over ten years, published a "farewell post" on her Twitter page, in which the girl announced that she was leaving the team of PokerStars ambassadors.

In her message to fans, Celina noted that she had spent amazing years travelling around the world playing poker with the Stars patch.

Read also: Chris Moneymaker left PokerStars Team Pro

According to Lin, now she wants to spend more time with the people she loves. The girl also hopes that in 2021 she will have more opportunities for doing so.

In the poker community, Celina Lin is also known as the "China's Queen of Poker": she has won an ACOP (Asia Championship of Poker) spade trophy twice (in 2013 and 2016). Lin has earned over $1 029 000 in live tournaments throughout her poker career.

The departure of Kalidou Sow and OP-Poker streamers

Kalidou Sow 2021

In addition to Celina, Team PokerStars lost Kalidou Sow, a professional player from France, who has earned $1 820 000 in live poker tournaments during his career.

Kalidou was a relatively new ambassador of the poker room since he only joined the Team PokerStars Pro two years ago.

Along with the main ambassadors, three OP-Poker streamers also decided to leave PokerStars. We are talking about Nick Walsh, Eva Reberc, and James Mackenzie.

These streamers, just like Kalidou, joined the Team PokerStars in 2019. They failed to gain a foothold among the streamers of the top poker room, as they were not very popular.

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