Douglas Polk made a $200 000 weight loss bet

Douglas Polk 2021

Poker players are very fond of making various bets. Douglas Polk is no exceptions and he made a bet with Bill Perkins for $200 000.

What is the matter in issue? This is a weight loss argument, but Polk needs to lose not kilograms, but subcutaneous fat. He has neither more nor less than that: 27.7%. Until February 2023, it should be 13.85%, otherwise 200 thousand dollars will go to Bill.

Read also: Douglas Polk officially ends his bachelor life

Douglas Polk wrote the following info in Twitter:

«I have officially started a 1 year bet against @bp22. 1 year to lose half of my body fat. I just got my dexa scan and I came in @ 27.7% bf.

Feb 10th 2023 I must be < 13.85% BF

We bet $200,000

The Journey begins.

This is the photo of Polk for today. He published it after being persuaded by Bill Perkins.

Of course, the post got a lot of comments. Most commentators believe that the task for Douglas Polk is very simple and Perkins decided to do charity work. 

What do you think, is it difficult to lose so many percent of subcutaneous fat in a year?​

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