Frustrated Gambler Accidentally Locks Himself in Casino Elevator

Casino gambler traps himself in the elevator

Tilt is a well-known problem for many poker players and fans of gambling. Computer mice, keyboards, and anything that comes under a hot hand usually suffer after anger outbursts. But a resident of Pennsylvania showed "a little more imagination" – the man broke the elevator.

The incident happened at the Hollywood casino in the town of Grantville (Georgia). One of the visitors, after losing a big amount of money, could not handle his emotions right in the elevator and began to beat the door with his feet while moving. It is quite expected that the man got stuck in a metal trap.

"Investigation revealed that the 45-year-old man repeatedly kicked the interior doors of the elevator, causing him to become stuck between floors of the casino," a state police official said.

The man who lost the fight against tilt is 45 years old and a regular visitor to this establishment. Firefighters from the city department came to his aid.

It is not known which game made the man mad. But it is known that an "elevator hunter" can face not only a fine, but also criminal liability.

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