Galfond Challenge: VeniVidi won €100K in 2 sessions and retook the lead

Phil Galfond 2020

On Thursday, Phil Galfond and VeniVidi played another 883 hands as part of their challenge. And just like before, the battle took place at Run It Once Poker at €100 / €200 PLO table.

During the first hands of that day, VeniVidi managed to take the lead, but closer to the mark of 200 hands everything changed, and Galfond surged ahead for some time. However, Phil wasn’t leading the race long, as VeniVidi pulled himself together and showed a strong game at the end of the session.

Following the results, this game session turned out to be profitable for VeniVidi – +€78 000. If one adds €34 000 (that VeniVidi1993 earned on Wednesday) to the given amount, Phil Galfond lost more than €100 000 in two days.

Results of the last 5 matches:

  • April 3: VeniVidi1993 +€28 000
  • April 4: Phil Galfond +€28 000
  • April 6: Phil Galfond +€121 000
  • April 7: VeniVidi1993 +€34 000
  • April 9: VeniVidi1993 +€78 000

Throughout the challenge, the guys have played 23 572 hands, which means that there are 1 448 hands left before the final.

VeniVidi has regained the lead and is now ahead of the Run It Once Poker owner for €31 000, but everything can still change, as previously Galfond could both lose and win €100 000 in one session.

Broadcast of the 38th game day (starts at 3:00 pm by GMT)

Estimate material
- excellent material
- good material
- normal material
- bad material
- horrible material
Lead iGaming Expert on Cardmates
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