Galfond continues to lead HU battle against Chance Kornuth

Galfond vs Kornuth

Chance Kornuth is another poker player who is trying to beat Phil Galfond in the Galfond Challenge. To date, Galfond is ahead of Kornuth by $554 000 and it will be very difficult to narrow the gap.

None of Phil’s rivals has yet succeeded, but maybe Chance will rectify the situation. Kornuth is an experienced player, and, besides, the guys have 10 000 more hands (at high limits) ahead, which can shift the balance of power.

Initially, the battle was supposed to take place in Galfond's poker room – RIO Poker, but due to the fact that Run It Once is not available in the US, the poker players vie at If Kornuth fails to win the challenge, he will lose less than Galfond. Chance will have to pay only $250 000, but if Kornuth somehow wins, then Galfond will have to fork out $1 million.

Read also: Chance Kornuth became a father again

Results of recent sessions

Looking at the results of Phil and Chance's recent sessions, we can say that nothing unexpected happened. The distance between the players remains, and each match Galfond gets closer to victory.

12 января Корнут вышел победителем с плюсом на 76 000$, а вот в среду и четверг триумфатором остался Гальфонд: +46 000$ и +40 000$.  Общий отрыв: +554 500$.

On January 12th, Kornuth, however, managed to outrage Phil and won $76 000 from him but on Wednesday and Thursday, Galfond took back the lead: +$46 000 and +$40 000, respectively.

In order to emerge victorious from this duel, Kornuth's skill will not be enough. He will need the luck that can change the outcome of any confrontation in card games, including poker.

Chance needs to win an average of $60 in every hand dealt to succeed in the challenge. This is very difficult to do even against a random opponent, let alone against Phil Galfond. Do you think Chance Kornuth will be able to beat his opponent?

Estimate material
- excellent material
- good material
- normal material
- bad material
- horrible material
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