Galfond reduced the gap between him and VeniVidi1993

Galfond Challenge

On the twelfth game day of the heads-up match, Phil Galfond managed to narrow the gap between him and online poker player VeniVidi1993. At the start of the day, the Run It Once Poker owner was behind his opponent by as much as €569 200.

However, the guy was able to reduce the amount of money he loses to VeniVidi1993 to €481 200. Galfond won €87 900 from VeniVidi within 622 hands.

In one of the hands, Phil took a large pot, having the following pocket cards – A-9-5-5. The flop showed K-5-3, and VeniVidi went all-in with A-K-9-3. Galfond called the bet, which wasn’t in vain as he hit a full house on the river, earning €43 200.

Read also: Galfond Challenge: Phil lost €100 000 in a day

Soon after that, the owner of Run It Once Poker won another €75 200. In that hand, Phil was dealt J-10-7-3 and VeniVidi received Q-J-10-4. The guys were alternately raising each other's bets, but the river determined the winner – Galfond collected a flush of clubs, having got a large amount.

Over twelve game days, Phil Galfond and VeniVidi1993 played 8 205 out of the planned 25 000 hands.

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- excellent material
- good material
- normal material
- bad material
- horrible material
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