GGPokerOK added new tournaments with low buy-ins

GGPokerOK 2020

Good Game poker network began the year by searching for an ambassador for GGPokerOK through GG Masters tournament. The poker room decided not to stop and updated the grid of regular MTT tournaments.

Now, you can see the habitual color spectrum of the tournaments which are carried out every day: Daily GTD.

Read also: Play GG Masters events and become GGPokerOK ambassador

They are divided into Daily Blue (turbo) and Daily Red (hyper-turbo). Such events were held on a daily basis 10 times a day and the buy-ins were from $5 to $30.

The poker room rebranded these tournaments at PokerOK and now there is a new schedule in the lobby:

Daiy Turbo Schedule

TournamentTime (UTC)Buy-inPrize money
Daily Turbo 50$21:15$50$1 000
Daily Turbo 5$22:15$5$200
Daily Turbo 20$23:15$20$600
Daily Turbo 30$00:15$30$800
Daily Turbo 5$01:15$5$200
Daily Turbo 20$02:15$20$600
Daily Turbo 5$03:15$5$200
Daily Turbo 80$04:15$80$2 000
Daily Turbo 10$05:15$10$500
Daily Turbo 30$06:15$30$1 000
Daily Turbo 5$07:15$5$500
Daily Turbo 80$08:15$80$2 000
Daily Turbo 20$09:15$20$1 000
Daily Turbo 5$10:15$5$500
Daily Turbo 30$11:15$30$1 500
Daily Turbo 100$12:15100$5 000
Daily Turbo 5$13:15$5$750
Daily Turbo 20$14:15$20$1 500
Daily Turbo 100$15:15$100$7 500
Daily Turbo 10$15:15$10$1 000
Daily Turbo 5$16:15$5$500
Daily Turbo 50$16:15$50$1 250
Daily Turbo 5$17:15$5$500
Daily Turbo 100$17:15$100$7 500
Daily Turbo 5$18:15$5$500
Daily Turbo 20$18:15$20$100
Daily Turbo 10$19:15$10$500
Daily Turbo 100$20:15$100$5 000

Key updates in MTT tournament grid

  • The range of buy-ins was expanded in GGPokerOK lobby: from $2 to $100.
  • The total number of events doubled.
  • Sunday events will be carried out with a double guarantee.
  • The structure of events was left the same.

Based on these changes, it becomes clear that the poker room wants to make its events more accessible to the wide player pool. In the near future, the tournaments of a slower structure will appear in the lobby.

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Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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