How to solve internal error 674/1064 on PokerStars

Pokerstars 2019

Some PokerStars users complain about an error when log in to PokerStars. It is also called the internal error 674/1064 at PokerStars. In this article we will tell you how to solve this problem.

What you should do with an internal error 674/1064 occurring on PokerStars

We contacted the support team to resolve this issue and here is what they answered:

Pokerstars error 2019

“You are faced with a problem of hanging login. Typically, this problem is caused by an incorrect session termination between the software and the server. This happens for players who left their account in the system and disconnected due to a server restart. After that, a window with the error "internal error 674/1064 PokerStars" appears on their screen.

This problem can also occur with poker players who close the application without pressing the "exit" button. After your game, make sure that you correctly exit the program. We have completed the login session and now you can re-enter and continue your game.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your understanding and contact us again in case of further assistance”.

Based on the letter, it becomes clear that the error occurs due to an incorrect exit after the end of the session.

Finish your work correctly by clicking the "Exit" button. If this error still appears on the screen of your monitor, then you need to write to PokerStars support by e-mail at [email protected]. Only them can fix it

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