Insane fold with second nuts at Live At The Bike

Live At the bike

Last week, the viewers were able to watch an exciting game in Live At The Bike show. In the last episode, a certain situation happened and the participants of cash table will remember it for a long time.

Cash game with $50/$100 blinds was held at the table. Andy Tsai made a bet in the amount of $300 with Q-10 from hijack. His opponent Adelstein called with 10-7 in the big blind.

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8-9-2 came to the flop. Tsai made a half pot continuation bet and Adelstein called. Jack was dealt on the turn and both players hit the straight. After that, Adelstein and Tsai made their bets again and the blank card 5 came to the river.   

Adelstein made check, but Tsai put all his chips to the center of the table. Adelstein had to think carefully because he had the second nuts. The poker player decided to read tells and started talking with Tsai. After that, he decided to fold the second nuts:

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Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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