Las Vegas casinos to pay cash bonuses if employees get vaccinated

Casino employees get vaccinated

The gambling industry in Las Vegas is actively gaining momentum after a long quarantine, which led local casinos to significant losses.

It is obvious that owners of gambling establishments want to return the income figures to the pre-quarantine levels, but, for that to work, all restrictions must be lifted.

The restrictions on local casinos may be lifted if employees of gambling establishments get vaccinated, so some Las Vegas casinos pledged to pay cash bonuses to those employees who have already been vaccinated against COVID-19.

The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas casino was the first to launch such an initiative: they pledged to pay each employee the amount of $50 if 60% of the staff gets vaccinated.

Read also: Governor of New Jersey wants to vaccinate all casino employees

The bonus will grow up to $100 if 70% of the casino employees get vaccinated, and it will rise to $250 if 80% of the staff is vaccinated. If the percentage of vaccinated employees is 90%, the bonus will be $350; if all the staff of this gambling establishment receives the COVID-19 vaccination, then each worker will get $500.

To receive the cash bonuses, all Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas employees must confirm they have been vaccinated by May 1st.

One of the newly opened casinos, Virgin Hotel Las Vegas, offers its employees who have been vaccinated a free night at the hotel s well as 1 paid working day on top of their salary.

In addition, most Las Vegas casinos force employees who have not yet received the vaccination to provide a negative coronavirus test result weekly.

Local gambling establishments took such measures after Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak reported that he planned to lift all restrictions on casinos by early June.

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