Poker legend Mike Sexton passed away from cancer

Mike Sexton died

A legendary poker commentator and player Mike Sexton has passed away. Last week it became known that Sexton was fighting against terminal cancer. The entire poker playing community was hoping for a miracle right up to the very last moment, but on Sunday, September 6, Mike left this world.

Linda Johnson, a longtime friend of Sexton, became a bearer of sad news. She wrote an official notice of Mike’s death on Twitter:

Linda Johnson

Mike Sexton – greatest poker ambassador

Not many poker players can be called true legends, but this word is suitable to describe Mike Sexton. He was a WPT commentator for fifteen years, which made him one of the symbols of the World Poker Tour.

Mike was also a successful poker player. Throughout his career, Sexton won over $6 700 000 in live tournaments according to Hendonmob.

Read also: WPT Champions Cup renamed after Mike Sexton

Mike played a huge part in promoting poker. Perhaps, the poker game would not be what it is now if not for him. His contribution to the development of poker was appreciated in 2009: he became a member of the Poker Hall of Fame.

Besides, Sexton was one of the founders of PartyPoker, as he helped to establish the top poker room. It will take a long time to list all his poker merits and this evidences for his big contribution to the poker ecosystem. We will always remember him as the greatest poker ambassador. Rest in peace, Mike.

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