Negreanu knocked out Hellmuth with 16% equity at WSOP Online

Daniel Negreanu 2020

Daniel Negreanu plays at WSOP Online 2020 and hopes to win his seventh gold bracelet. The poker player actively informs his fans on social networks about his success at World Series of Poker.

For now, Daniel’s success is quite modest: a pair of hits into ITM zone without final tables. Surely, in the tournaments of this scale, Negreanu competes against strong poker stars. In one of the hands, Daniel beat Hellmuth, which upset Phil very much.    

It happened in $500 PLO 6-handed bracelet event. In the top 100, Negreanu and Phil Hellmuth fought in a hand that became the last one for Phil in this tournament.

At that moment, Hellmuth had a short stack and he decided to shove with K-K-Q-10. Negreanu called with 8-6-4-5. 7-A-J appeared on the flop and brought Phil 84% for future victory. However, as it is known, 84% in poker is not a victory, as Negreanu hit a runner-runner straight.

Read also: Phil Hellmuth sells his mansion in Las Vegas for $430 000

If the tournament was held offline, we would probably witness Phil’s explosion of emotions. However, it was an online tournament, so the scandalous poker player left the game quietly.

Negreanu also expected Hellmuth’s emotions after such an offensive defeat, and he posted this hand on Twitter:

Daniel Negreanu wrote a post

After this hand, Hellmuth left the tournament in 95th place and earned $921 of prize money. Negreanu finished 25th and got only $2 814. As for the famous players, Chris Moorman showed the best result (the 4th place). Kevin Gerhart managed to become the winner.

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Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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