Negreanu lost $119 000 pot in one hand at Poker After Dark

Daniel Negreanu 2021

​Recently, legendary poker player Daniel Negreanu managed to win a big live tournament for the first time in 8 years.

This could have been the start of his winning streak, but Negreanu's poker path has never been so easy, so the famous player continues to face certain difficulties.

A while ago, Daniel took part in another episode of the popular show Poker After Dark, where he lost a big pot to American pro Zachary Franzi.

The participants played $119 000 pot between themselves in one hand. On preflop, the American players Matt Berkey and Dan Smith also played.

Berkey raised to $1 000 with A♥-9♥ and Smith called with K♦-Q♦. Zachary Franzi also called from SB with 7♦-6♦. Negreanu, in turn, made a 3-bet up to $6 000 with 7♠-5♦. His opponents called the bet.

4♣-2♣-6♥ were dealt on the flop. Franzi checked and Negreanu continued to demonstrate aggressive play, by raising to $17 500. After that, Berkey and Smith decided to fold. As for Zachary, he went all-in, by pushing $47 300. Negreanu called and thus, the pot size reached the mark of $119 000.

The poker players agreed to deal twice on the turn and river and started to wait culmination of the hand.

On the first board, J♥ was dealt on the turn and 9♠ on the river, which gave Franzi half the pot. The second board with J♦ on the turn and 7♥ on the river gave Zachary the rest of the pot.   

By the end of Poker After Dark show, Daniel managed to win back with a result of $128 800 and his starting stack was $100 000.  

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Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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