Nora "Awkwafina" Lum will play Ivey's partner in crime in the movie

Nora “Awkwafina” Lum

American actress Nora “Awkwafina” Lum will play the role of swindler Cheung Yin Sun, who is known as Phil Ivey's partner in "baccarat case".   

Earlier, the Korea-China film studio announced the release of the film about the life of a big swindler (Cheung Yin Sun). Her criminal scheme with Ivey which helped them to win millions of dollars from the casino will become the brightest part of storyline.

Phil and Cheung Yin Sun managed to make an incredible series of victories thanks to the production defect of play cards’ batch of Gemaco Company. Many card decks had factory defects – the backs of cards were asymmetrical and this fact helped to distinguish the card values.

Read also: Alex Foxen’s company was accused of fraud

The film will be based on the article of Michael Kaplan "The Baccarat Machine", which tells about Cheung Yin Sun’s life. At the moment, it is unknown which of the actors will play the role of Ivy.   

According to the words of studio director John Penotti, “Awkwafina” is perfect for the role of Cheung Yin Sun. The actress has her comedy series "Awkwafina is Nora from Queens". This year, she got Golden Globe Award for best actress in the comedy or musical for her role in the film “The Farewell”. Awkwafina played in such films as: "Ocean's 8", "Jumanji: the next level" and "Crazy Rich Asians".  

“Baccarat case” will become one of the key storylines in the film. This scandal between Ivy, Cheung Yin Sun and Borgata casino is still far from over. At the moment, the lawyers of gambling house try to confiscate money from Ivey's accounts.

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