Ole Schemion won the fourth SCOOP title

Ole Schemion

Ole Schemion managed to get the second victory at SCOOP 2020. However, it is worth noting that he became the owner of the fourth SCOOP title for all the time of series’ holding. At the final table, Ole fought against the real poker masters, but the German player was able to win.

In total, SCOOP-102-H tournament collected 118 entries, which formed a prize pool of more than $1 000 000. The prize zone included 15 places, but many well-known professional players failed to reach the ITM zone.

By the way, the player of French PSG Neymar was among these professionals.  The championship of France was completed ahead of schedule due to coronavirus, and Neymar had a lot of time to play poker tournaments.

The football player managed to get into the top 30 finalists, but this didn’t guarantee him prize payouts, since only 15 finalists got prize money.

Neymar 2020

Read also: Former Arsenal striker: «I have lost £6 000 000 playing poker»

Unfortunately, Neymar’s statistics on SharkScope website are hidden and it’s impossible to see his results at SCOOP. However, if he won big tournament, we would definitely notice it.

So far, the football player improves his poker skills and it is very useful for him. Andre Akkari previously reported that Neymar had plans to engage in poker after the end of his football career.

Results of final day

Let's get back to SCOOP-102-H tournament, or rather, to the bubble stage. So, the poker player from Belarus Mikita "fish2013" Badziakouski became a bubble boy.

Shortly before the final table, Fedor Holz left the game (14th place and $21 000 of prize money), Adrian Mateos (13th place and $21 000 of prize money), the Belarusian champion of ME SCOOP 2020 "alexgirs" (11th place and $27 000) and Michael Addamo (10th place and $27 000).   

Then, the most interesting and important stage of any poker tournament began: it is final table. Here is the list of six finalists:

  • Ole Schemion
  • "megaliciou$$$"
  • Wiktor Malinowski
  • Steve O'Dwyer
  • Sergi Reixach
  • Daniel Dvoress

The Canadian super high roller Daniel Dvoress was the first to leave this company, he took the 6th place. He was followed by Sergi Reixach. Then, it was the turn of Steve O'Dwyer who took the fourth place and $120 000 of prize money.

Wiktor Malinowski finished third and granted the opportunity for "megaliciou$$$" and Ole Schemion to fight for the 1st place.

In heads-up, Schemion turned out to be stronger and his victory at SCOOP 2020 became the second one for him. The German player got $258 000 for his triumph.

Results of SCOOP-102-H tournament

SCOOP-102-H tournament

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Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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