Win tickets to WPT World Online Championships in PartyPoker Spins

PartyPoker Spins

At the end of May, PartyPoker team launched special Spins tournaments, in which it was possible to win tickets to WPT Online series for $10.

By analogy with that series, the representatives of poker room decided to launch similar spins for WPT World Online Championships series. By playing these spins, you will also be able to win tickets to the events of this series worth up to $10 300.

PartyPoker lobby

Every Sunday, special spins for $10 are available in PartyPoker lobby. The prize pool of such tournaments will range from a minimum prize of $20 to the tickets for WPT World Online Championships worth $10 300.  

Read also: Kristen Bicknell played at WPT Opener final table

The prize pool of tournament will be determined as follows:

Spins multiplierFrequency per 1 000 000Prize for victory
2407 229$20
3,3591 640Tickets for $33 to WPT World Online Championships
321 000Tickets for $320 to WPT World Online Championships
105100Tickets for $1 050 to WPT World Online Championships
32030Tickets for $3 200 to WPT World Online Championships
10301Tickets for $10 300 to WPT World Online Championships

Rake in these tournaments is 6%. Play WPT World Online Championships Special Spins and turn $10 into a ticket to $10 300 top tournament.

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Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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