Patrick Leonard won the second SCOOP 2020 trophy
Patrick Leonard endured coronavirus in March, but that didn’t stop him from becoming one of the most active online MTT players this spring. By playing at PokerStars under the nickname "pads1161", Patrick Leonard managed to get into the prize zone of more than 70 SCOOP 2020 events and won two of them. At the same time, he actively plays in the other poker rooms.
At first, the luck was on his side in SCOOP-53-H: PLO8 [6-Max] for $2 100. In the final heads-up, Patrick played with Yuri "theNERDguy" Dzivilievsky and won $52 605.
Two days ago, Leonard won $215 SCOOP-93-H turbo tournament with rebuys. 460 players took part in the event and made 399 rebuys and 288 add-ons. As a result, the total prize pool reached the mark of $232 841.
Read also: Patrick Leonard: «I'm 95% sure a huge financial crash is coming which will decimate online poker»
In heads-up, Patrick beat the player under the nickname "julioassp" from the Netherlands and won $41 810. Andras "probirs" Nemeth also participated in the final of tournament and won $15 640 for the 4th place. There were also the Russian player Arthur "mararthur1" Martirosyan (6th place and $8 120 of prize money) and Damir "MiracleQ" Gabdullin (7th place and $5 850).
In total, Leonard has 3 SCOOP trophies and more than $11.4 million won in online tournaments.