Phil Galfond has the second opponent for heads-up battle

Fernando Habegger

Some days ago it became known that Bill Perkins was the first player who accepted Galfond’s challenge for fighting in a heads-up battle at Run It Once Poker. Phil Galfond wrote in his tweet, that Perkins is not the only opponent in his challenge.

The Swiss player Fernando "JNandez" Habegger became the second opponent. Fernando is a high stakes player, as well as streamer and poker coach. He is the owner of training site that contains 450 videos for learning Omaha PLO.

In 2013, Habegger got the famous PokerStars title called SuperNova Elite. In the same year he won WCOOP and earned $179 000 of prize money. However, the reputation of Swiss player is not very good, because after the selling of several courses the player prematurely left Upswing, and the site had to compensate users for losses.

Terms of the battle

According to the terms of challenge, Galfond and Fernando will play 50 000 hands at $100/ $200 limit in RIO Poker room. The battle will stop if one of the player goes into the red for the amount of $400 000.

The size of bet is the main difference from the battle with Perkins. After the betting terms were announced, several potential opponents of Galfond abstained from the bet and he decided to raise the stakes.

If Galfond wins, then Fernando will pay him $200 000. If the Swiss player wins, then the owner of RIO Poker will have spring for $1 000 000.

Phil will soon tell about the other terms of betting. It is not yet known who of these two players will be the first one to fight against Galfond. However, it is possible that Phil will play against them at the same time.

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Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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