Phil Galfond offers Heads-Up online poker challenge

Phil Galfond

Phil Galfond, who is the founder of Run It Once Poker, created a new way to promote his poker room. This time he challenged the poker community and proposed 50k hand PLO Heads-Up to high-stakes players.

The essence of battle is to play 50 000 hands with Galfond in a heads-up at the limits from $100/ $200 to $300/ $600 and be profitable. However, Phil is ready to consider the game at $25/ $50 limits, but it is the barest minimum.


Bill Perkins is one of the players, who was interested in Galfond’s proposal:

Galfond was satisfied with Bill’s conditions, except for the first one:

However, the players didn’t reach the consensus…

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Sunrise Editor
Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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