Phil Ivey became runner-up of the Hold'em 6+ event at MILLIONS SHR Sochi

Phil Ivey 2020

A few days ago, the MILLIONS High Roller series kicked off at the Sochi Casino, and 5 expensive events with buy-ins ranging from $25 000 to $51 000 have already taken place as part of the series.

The Belarusian Mikita Badziakouski managed to get the victory in one of the tournaments worth $51 000 and earn $765 000 for the first place.

The next event with the same buy-in was held in Hold'em 6+ format. It collected 50 entries, so that the prize pool amounted to $2 500 000. The victory went to the poker player from Malaysia Wai Kin Yong, who received $800 000 in prize money for finishing first.

Wai Kin Yong 2020

The owner of 10 WSOP bracelets, Phil Ivey, became the runner-up of the given event, having received $525 000. The third place was also taken by the WSOP bracelet holder and the EPT Monte Carlo 2018 champion Sam Greenwood.

In total, 8 poker players entered the ITM zone of the tourney. The minimal payout was given to the famous Malaysian high roller Paul Phua – his prize money was equal to $100 000.

MILLIONS High Roller Sochi: $51 000 ShortDeck results

1 Wai Kin YongMalaysia$800 000
2Phil IveyUSA$525 000
3Sam GreenwoodCanada$350 000
4Cary KatzUSA$250 000
5Aaron Van BlarcumUSA$200 000
6Mikhail Rudoy
Russia$150 000
7Seth Davies
USA$125 000
8Paul PhuaMalaysia$100 000

The final table was full of real poker stars: Phil Ivey, Cary Katz, Aaron Van Blarcum, Sam Greenwood and others.

Greenwood had every chance to get to the heads-up, when Ivey limped with A♥-A♦ against Sam’s K♣-8♣. The A♣-8♠-Q♣ flop on the board gave the Canadian a flush draw.

Read also: PartyPoker Millions Sochi: live broadcast of Super High Roller Tournament final

However, A♠ appeared on the turn, which brought nuts to Phil Ivey, and even J♣ on the river did not help Sam Greenwood, who finished the tournament in the third place.

Ivey started the heads-up with a huge advantage in stack, but 4 levels later, Wai Kin Yong turned the tide of the game into his favor.

In the final hand of the tournament, Phil Ivey raised with Q♣-J♦, and Yong called the opponent’s raise with J♣-10♣. The flop of Q♥-9♠-J♥ was laid on the board. Yong decided to go all-in, Ivey called the bet.

Phil Ivey 2020

Thanks to K♠ on the turn, Yong collected the straight, and 6♥ that came on the river totally secured the Malaysian’s victory in this tournament.

Throughout his poker career, Wai Kin Yong has earned over $10 000 000 in live tournaments. His biggest prize money is $3 150 000 for winning the Main Event at the Triton Poker Super High Roller 2019 in London.

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