Players can win Jackpots of $1 000 000 in Spin&Go

Jackpot in Spin and Go

Since May 17, PokerStars players have the opportunity to win a jackpot of $1 000 000 at different Spins limits. At different times, a jackpot is drawn at a certain limit, even Spins for 25 cents participate in the promotion.

The alternate drawing of jackpots in Spins has already started. How to find out at what limit the $1 000 000 is being played out? Follow the special sign in the PokerStars lobby, it looks like this:

PokerStars Spin and Go lobby

The example shows that at the moment the jackpot of $1 000 000 is being played in Spin&Go for $10. The jackpot will be available at various limits, including a Spin&Go for 25 cents.

Read also: Dutchman turned 25¢ into $2 500 in Spin & Go at PokerStars

The game starts immediately after 3 people are registered in the event. The prize pool amount is displayed in the center of the table.

All the probabilities of hitting jackpots can be found on the official PokerStars website. Are you ready to become a dollar millionaire in minutes?

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