PokerStars streamer won $5 200 SCOOP tournament

Fintan "EasyWithAces" Hand

​PokerStars streamer Fintan "EasyWithAces" Hand achieved success in SCOOP-82-H tournament. He managed to take the first place and earned $232 156 of prize money, including $136 718 as a bounty.  

In total, SCOOP-82-H event collected 222 entries for $5 200 and as a result, the prize pool reached the mark of $1 110 000.

Several years ago, Fintan "EasyWithAces" Hand changed his position at the poker table and became the poker player, instead of dealer. After that, he realized that he could earn a lot of money by playing poker and he was right. The streamer won his first SCOOP title in 2020 and his payout reached the mark of $72 000.

Read also: Poker player turns $2 into $80K in Sunday Million at PokerStars

This time, his winning appeared to be more impressive, namely $232 156. Hand mentioned in PokerStars stream that his sponsor invited him to the tournament, so he was very grateful to him. The viewers could see him dancing in his stream during the final moments of the tournament. However, the final hands were not broadcasted due to electrical power outage.

Payouts in SCOOP-82-H tournament

SCOOP-82-H tournament

Estimate material
- excellent material
- good material
- normal material
- bad material
- horrible material
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Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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