Rabbit Hunt and other updates at PartyPoker
At the beginning of March, several poker rooms announced about updates. PokerStars updated the design of the game client, and PartyPoker decided to keep up and also introduced some innovations. Since 5 March, the following novelties appeared at PartyPoker: Rabbit Hunt new feature, Diamonds virtual currency, all-in equity and equal big blinds for heads-up tables.
Rabbit Hunt at PartyPoker
Rabbit Hunt is a function that allows you to see which cards would appear on the board if the deal was completed. For example, if the player folds his cards on the turn, he will be able to see the river card thanks to this function.
In order to use it, you should click on "Rabbit Hunt" button. The poker players will pay with Diamonds virtual currency for each click.
The users of mobile app have already tested the new option, and now Rabbit Hunt is available in Spins. In the future, the feature will appear in all PartyPoker games.
Diamonds virtual currency
“Diamonds” are the virtual currency at PartyPoker. You can earn it by playing any kind of poker, and you can spend it for Rabbit Hunt and throwing virtual objects at other rivals at the tables. Virtual items will appear in the nearest update of the poker room.
Pot odds
In each hand, the pot odds appear after the players’ shoving and after the cards are opened. They are displayed in the percentage terms and can either please you or upset. Pot odds in percentage are written in the players’ icon and they are updated every street in order to inform the players.
Equal big blinds for heads-up tables
The updates also appeared at the heads-up tables. Now, both players will pay the same amount of BB during their match in each game. You can leave the table only after paying the same amount of BB as your opponent.
If one of the players leaves the game ahead of time, the system will automatically post the big blind for the player and fold his hand.