Scandalous video with Dan Cates was shot by Russians

Dan Cates video

The candid video with Dan Cates starring appeared on the network yesterday. We still do not know what the purpose of this video was, but we’ve found out that it was shot by Russians.

If you’ve watched the video to the end, you can see the credits indicating that the video was taken by the Russian guy Alexander Tikhomirov, and Vitaliy Grechin from Kiev became its producer.

video with Dan Cates

By the way, both guys have a photo similar to the one that Dan Cates posted earlier:

 Dan Cates poker

Photo is taken from Alexander Tikhomirov’s Instagram

Alexander Tikhomirov

Photo is taken from Vitaliy Grechin’s Instagram

Judging by their photos on Instagram, it is not the first time Alexander and Vitaliy make the video shoot with a huge number of sexy models:

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