Spartan Poker traffic increased 3 times
Spartan Poker traffic increased 3 times compared to the beginning of this year. Serious increasing of traffic in the poker room starts in the afternoon and evening.
With regard to Hold'em, the format of more than 30% of playable tables is 8–9 max. Moreover, the game was conducted at NL$5 limit at least at the 5 tables. Also, 50% of traffic in Hold'em was at the limits higher than NL$5.
In 2019, the number of Omaha tables significantly increased in the poker room. In the evening, the number of players of this poker type is twice higher than quantity of Hold'em players. Four Omaha tables out of five ones are played at the limits higher than PLO $5.
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In general, the number of cash tables increased from 23 to 66, and due to this fact the traffic in the poker room increased 3 times.
The number of Chinese poker players at Spartan Poker also increased. In 2019, the quantity of tables of this poker type increased to 15.
Spartan Poker achieved this result thanks to several initiatives. In particular, thanks to software updating, large-scale advertising campaign and holding the largest online poker championship in history of India.