The stars of "Back to the Future" movie played in a charity poker tournament

The stars of "Back to the Future" movie

The popular movie actors often play poker. In November 2019, the famous actor Ben Affleck won $1 500 in one of the casinos in Los Angeles by being in a drunken state.  

In the same month, it became known that the actor Oscar Isaac (who played the rebel pilot Poe Dameron in “Star Wars”) will play the main character in a poker movie “The Card Counter”.     

Some days ago, the Foundation of Michael J. Fox (the actor who played the main character in “Back to the Future” movie) held a charity poker tournament.  

Christopher Lloyd (the actor who played Doctor Emmett Brown) came to support his friend and colleague. Christopher Lloyd published the corresponding post on his Instagram:  

Christopher Lloyd wrote the post

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Unfortunately, there is no information about the tournament, collected amounts, as well as other participants of charity poker tournament. The Michael J. Fox Foundation holds a similar charity poker tournament every year and its goal is to raise the funds for research of Parkinson's disease.   

Fox was diagnosed with this disease back in 1991, and after nine years he founded his own fund to fight against such disease.  

The famous players took part in the poker tournament of Michael J. Fox. In 2012, Phil Gordon, who is the champion of Main Event WPT 2012 and WSOP Bracelet winner, participated in this tournament.

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Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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