Three main rules for MTT players from Jans Arends

Jans Arends 2021

Jans Arends is a Dutch poker player who possesses about $500 000 won in the live tournaments. MTT tournaments are the main Arends' discipline, in which he plays quite successfully both online and offline.

On his Twitter page, Jans posted three golden rules for MTT players:  

Jans Arends' post on Twitter

Read also: Former Real Madrid player lost $54 million in heads-up cash games

After listing these rules, Jans added another thing:

Jans Arends' post

His subscribers began to share their life hacks in comments. Someone wrote that a cold-call of 3-bet always mean a pocket pair of nines or jacks. Another subscriber states that a check-raise on the river always mean the nuts.

Of course, one should not hope that these rules always work with every opponent, but still. What rules for MTT can you advice? Write in the comments.

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