Tony G won Short Deck tournament at Super High Roller Series

Tony G 2021

​The famous and charismatic Lithuanian poker pro Antanas Guoga (better known under the nickname "Tony G") has decided to prove that his play only gets better over the years.

He managed to win an expensive 6+ Hold'em Short Deck tournament for $25 000.

SHRB Europe #3 No-Limit Hold'em Short Deck event collected 45 entries, which formed a prize pool of $1 125 000.

Read also: Phil Ivey wins the first tournament at Super High Roller Series Europe

As you guessed, this eccentric Lithuanian became the champion and earned $382 500 for the first place.

In heads-up, Tony G outplayed American participant Chris Brewer, who finished as a runner-up with a payout of $247 500.

It is worth noting that the fan of expensive Short Deck tournaments Paul Phua also participated in the game. The Malaysian pro took the fifth place and earned $90 000. In total, 7 players reached ITM zone.

Payouts of SHRB Europe #3 - $25 000 No-Limit Hold'em Short Deck tournament:

PlacePlayerCountryPrize money
1Antanas GuogaLithuania382 500$
2Chris BrewerUnited States247 500$
3Robert FlinkSweden168 750$
4Santi JiangSpain123 750$
5Paul PhuaMalaysia90 000$
6Danny TangHong Kong67 500$
7Boris TuritsaUK45 000$

In the final hand, Tony G shoved with K♠ -J♠ and Brewer called with J♥ -10♥ on the board with Q♦-8♠-6♦-7♠-J♦. As a result, Tony's hand appeared to be stronger and he became the champion of tournament.

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- normal material
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- horrible material
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Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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