Top 10 biggest pots from Polk vs. Negreanu challenge

Polk vs. Negreanu

Everyone who is even a little fond of poker has heard of the Negreanu vs. Polk heads-up battle. The challenge was completed: Douglas Polk emerged victorious and the dust settled.

As part of that heads-up race, the poker professionals played 25 000 hands, and Polk showed a profit of $1 200 000. A few days ago, Douglas Polk posted a video (on his YouTube channel) with the top 10 biggest pots that occurred throughout the battle versus Negreanu.

Read also: Polk refused to play heads-up against Perkins

The video has already collected several tens of thousands of views, and there are a lot of impressive hands to see. The experienced poker players play high stakes poker and all action is shown with the cards face-up.

Which of the hands did you like the most? We are looking forward to reading your answers in the comments.​

Estimate material
- excellent material
- good material
- normal material
- bad material
- horrible material
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