What do regs think about banning HUDs on PartyPoker

HUDs on PartyPoker

Earlier we informed our readers that Partypoker is probably going to ban all HUD/tracking and associated software across the entire site in April. This topic has been actively discussed on the Internet and poker community reacted ambiguously to this news.

Most agreed on the idea that it’s is a good decision. For example, this is what players write about Party and the possible changes on the poker forums:

«I like the way party is trying to improve unlike stars who just don't give a crispy duck».

«HUDs should have been banned a long time ago. In fact, they should've never been allowed in the first place».

«I personally think that the less 3rd party software allowed in online poker the better».

Some players believe that HUDs help to detect bots and swindlers and therefore avoid them. Plus, HUD provides large amounts of data that helps to win more, so they stand against banning:

«Banning trackers is just making life of the little guy with few resources impossible to compete».

«I really hope Party isn't that stupid to do something like this».

Read also: Are PokerStars VIP system updates coming up?

Others claim that HUDs have nothing to do with detecting bots and cheaters as the last will still exist whether the room bans this tool or not:

«Banning HUDs is the most stupid thing sites are doing, this just makes bots life better as nobody will be able to report them to the site».

partypoker bots

There is also a group of players on the 2+2 poker forum, which is popular among English-speaking regulars, who think that most people who stand against banning HUDs are losing players since a strong poker player doesn’t need any support software to win, just poker skills. Real poker players are able to read opponents' tendencies themselves.

Recently, PokerStars and other poker rooms have already restricted their players to use HUDs. It seems that very soon PartyPoker will also update its software policy prohibiting the use of HUDs and support software.

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