Winter Series: Ole Schemion took down Main Event for $5 200

Ole Schemion 2020

The other day, Winter Series has ended at PokerStars. Three Main Events with different buy-in levels ($55, $530 and $5 200) were held as part of the series.

The most expensive Main Event had 547 entrants, which allowed to form a prize pool of $2 735 000. There were 71 poker players to finish in the money.

Read also: Filatov enriched with $100 000 in Winter Series tournament

German professional Ole "wizowizo" Schemion turned out to be the winner of the Main Event. For the first place, the guy received $482 700 in prize money. In heads-up, he fought with a Russian poker player performing under the "serggoreliy7" nickname.

A few days ago, "wizowizo" took down the tournament with an entry fee of $1 050, that was conducted within the same poker series. His payout for winning the event amounted to $27 000.

As for "serggoreliy7", he was given $358 000 for finishing second in the Winter Series Main Event cost $5 200. Brazilian poker player "botteonpoker" closed the top three, having received $265 400.

Winter Series

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