1st game at the cash tables)

And so, yesterday I spent more than 6 hours playing the game, I didn't play as loaded as usual, I probably became lazy) heh) I only opened satellites and of course cash games) In satellites, I only managed to get into the "Bounty Builder" for $11, where I made one knockout and didn't get into the money, sadly. Thus, I spent more money on satellites than I eventually won back, not a very good result, apparently this attachment to MTT does not leave me 😐

Since there is nothing much to write about MTT, at them was a winrate of -1BB/100, and everything is as usual 😒, today I decided to post the first results of the cache game) I didn't open many tables, I only played on two NL2 tables at the same time, and every now and then I moved to other tables, because the weak players lost money and the strong ones took their place) It is not interesting to play against strong players 😜 At first, I had a 3rd table open with a tournament, and it was difficult for me to play simultaneously with the cash game, since there is too much action going on at 6max tables, and I need to was quickly switch from one style of play to another) So, a little later, I stopped playing everything in a row and together.

I didn't play many hands at the cash tables, probably because I didn't open 4 tables at once) I do not think that I will be able to switch to this number soon, there is still a lot that is not clear and the speed of the game is impressive) In tournaments, I sit and wait for my hand until my stack drops to 20bb) and here the stack is always 100bb and I need to play, because everyone pays attention to this, and with the tight style of the game, it's unlikely anyone will play with me on the postflop 😐 Overall results of the session:

At some point, I won a lot, it can be seen on the chart, but later I began to play loose, or most likely lucky guy sat at the table, for sure! I remember he had a 48/0 stat, funny right? This player, always entered the hand through limp, and he was always lucky, he won with such actions on the postflop, how check-call. Unbearable! Okay, at the end of the game, I probably wanted to sleep again, and I was playing very badly, I should have stopped earlier. I need to make a note of this. I'll try to play more carefully today 😎

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Ukraine Vetal Guru

We played great yesterday.

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