A rocky start to September on the football bets, but playing decent Poker
It was a bit of a rocky start yesterday. I cashed out too early with a 7 match accumulator football bet, for £8, giving me only a £3 profit. I thought it would lose considering FSV Duisburg went down to 10 men and were drawing 1-1 at home in a friendly and thought nothing of cashing out the money in the 85th minute when I had them to win. Should have taken the risk when all the other results had come through! Turned out 10 man Duisberg won their friendly 2-1 which would have landed me a tidy £80 win. Sigh. Still, following the guidelines from Zen and the Art of Poker I decided to control my emotions and not to steam or tilt! Deep breath.
Accepting the loss in reasonably good faith, I'm happy to inform the reader that generally I proceeded to play a solid game on the Poker tables, playing a 6 max Texas No Limit Hold'em micro stakes with a $5 dollar maximum buy in. Although the first game I played earlier in the day wasn't hugely successful profit wise (broke even), I practised patience and 'watched' what the other players were doing at the table, attempting to read their hands at different points in other plays. I generally stuck to the fundamentals learnt from my readings so far, with an air of calm.
I managed to pick up a nice small win with A5 unsuited from the small blind, with two other players in (including a big stack) after it was raised 3 times the blind from LP. The flop came J ♠️ A ♠️ A ♣️ I checked, check, check. The turn was a 4 ♠️ putting a flush out there, but the pot was so small I decided to bet out around 19cents - so about a two thirds of the pot. The big stack player to my left called and the initial pre flop raiser folded. The river was another A giving me four of a kind! I bet into the remaining player for around 60 cents and he called with a J full house. Quads!! I think this must have been just my second hand in the game.
I continued to play fairly solidly, to feel my way back into playing after 2/3 weeks off, and picked up some top two pairs with hands like A9 and Ax to build my stack to about $7.50. However, my profit was lost due to the following hand and scenario.
For the second time in the game I held 9 ♥️ 9 ♣️ and this time on the button. I made a standard raise of three times the BB to 15c, the player with bigger, but now slightly diminished stack, called again from small blind and then the BB raised to 82cents! I had watched him playing slightly irrationally before so I figured after thinking for a while to try to call him and catch a 9 on the flop perhaps as I felt he was merely protecting his BB from a possible steal. The flop came J 💎 2 ♣️ 4 ♥️ which I regarded as a fairly good flop for me. Both players checked, including the guy who made the huge pre flop raise (he actually checked as fast as lightning), and I decided to check as well. The turn came a 8 of 💎 , which I still figured as an ok card, but to my surprise the small blind player bet about half the pot, which is what I was planning to do, (maybe three quarters). The initial pre flop raiser folded and I called. We both checked on the river card, some sort of blank came like a 5 ♥️ and I was disappointed to see he held 10-10. $2.50 profit gone. Although I was overly happy with my style of play after 2/3 weeks off, perhaps I could have played this 9-9 better.
My next game, many hours later, played when I woke up this morning, was much more successful in terms of profit, even though I still played very similarly to before. Perhaps feeling more confident now I had had a bit of initial practise in the game before. My first small win came from 5 💎 5 ♣️ from calling a 3 bet pre flop raise when the flop came A ♥️ Q 💎 5 💎 against just one other opponent. He raised fairly small and I decided just to call. The turn was a K ♣️ , but as I figured he wasn't on J10 I raised three quarters of the pot after he checked. He called. I bet the river smallish for value, it was something like an 8 or 9, and he called showing A ♠️ 6 ♠️ giving me a nice win of $2.22. I love hitting those sets with small pairs!
The hand that really doubled me up though (to $12ish) was against the same player who was involved in this previous 5-5 hand.
We were in the exact same positions, him EP, me MP- LP, with one other player in between. I called from late position with 6 ♠️ 7 ♠️ and hit a dream flop of 8 ♠️ Q ♠️ 9 ♠️ with two players before me, giving me a flush and straight flush draw. As both players checked, I decided to raise very small and to my surprise both players called ... someone on an A ♠️ or K ♠️ perhaps?
The turn was a 7 ♣️ and after both players checked again I bet out a protective $1.20, so about three quarters of the pot. The first player went all in and the other (fortunately) folded. The player all-in held top set with QQ! Fortunately, the river was a 4 ♠️ and I doubled up nicely.
The final conclusion is, once again, no more football bets, (haha) keep playing poker in this new style I have adopted and sticking to the system! That 6 ♠️ 7 ♠️ call came from the Sklansky and Miller system who suggest for you to call with that kind of hand from MP/LP about 70-80% of the time as I highlighted in the previous article. I played aggressively with the best hand. I will keep having faith in the new system and I really think over time I will see a good profit. Plus I enjoyed playing in this new way.
Good luck in your games folks! Thanks for reading.

multi bet is certainly excellent. I think to put more than 3 events this is already -ev.
99 bad call preflop
6 ♠ ️ 7 ♠ ️ great job. I love the way you played that hand.
Thanks, and I agree about 9-9, should have folded perhaps
forgot to congratulate on the victory. With a victory. I think you will be the first in September too.
Thanks a lot Vetal!!