Analysis of Preflop all-ins p.3

How R U? 😎 I continue to analyze my game, too many different kinds of mistakes were made by me. And since my poker friends advised me to learn how to play turbo structure, I followed their advice, at least I will try) Today I watched my hands from the top range or spectrum, I don't really understand the terms, but in my opinion it's the same thing) So, there are only 4 hands that showed the lowest win rate at the distance this year. I made a selection for the most losing situations and chose just 4 screenshots. I analyzed all these situations using the ICMIZER program. Let's see how wrong I was when I participated in this preflop all-ins)

Of course, I start with the hands graph, it shows how I don't get more than 800bb, I think this is just an incredible number of chips in the stacks, and a big difference on the distance 😐

And now hands, let's get started 😎

1. I decided to make an open raise, and after I did, the opponents went all-in, I called and made a mistake.

2. Here, most likely, I behaved like Homer in the picture 😜 What was I thinking? I must have been in tilt...

3. Next, a similar situation, a guy in an early position made an open raise, I raise him, and he instantly goes all-in) the program shows me that I can only call with pocket aces, and it turns out to be right. But I played like a fool, as usual...😩

4. And finally, a hand that seems to be played correctly, at least the program showed that this is so) however, in this situation, I lost, and even I narrowed him opening range, I was still offered to go all-in with my hand) Such case 😏

In general, in fact, the analysis of played hands can be studied for a very long time, it will be useful for the player, especially in such turbo structures, where most of the decisions are made in the preflop all-in. This post, of course, is more entertainment and informational in nature, rather than educational material, I myself do not understand much yet, so I try to show U my steps in learning the theory or understanding the game) Okay, guys, I've been writing this post for a long time and I want to finish it) I hope U like it) See U! 😉

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MrKaplin Blocked
Comments (2)
C'mon man, KQ call a shove?!! I know you can do better than that. AK can be 4bet folded.
1 replies
MrKaplin Blocked

AK can be 4bet folded.

yeah, sure...)

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