Are you sure that it is ok if i take your money?

Are you also thinking, when sitting down to poker table or starting to play online, that now its time to take other peoples money by cheating, controlling, manipulating- basically try to be deceptive as well as you can to them? Me neither, but im exited to play for sure. Somebody ask why, i say that what is often said “in poker i like the challenge etc.” , but what if that`s not the case, and im deep down some kind of psycopatic machiavelli? Those kind of qualities, outside from poker table, belongs and are practiced by gangsters, well, maybe some politicians too, but not so much anywhere else, not in a normal life.

Ok. Situation is different, starting the rules which all agree etc. In Pokerworld, fraud is not ethically wrong, its part of the game and are useful for you as strategy wise.

But  still, half seriously, its kind of intresting to notice how easy it is to you to do, when there is environment for that.

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From gaming point of view, there is a small part of my nature which is calm and analytic, but the blood flowing trough my veins is surely gamblers blood. That mix keep poker and betting just dear hobbies of mine, keeping dream still alive.
Comments (1)
Ukraine Vetal Guru

play by the rules, bluff beautifully.

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