Big flush and straight draws
Hand selection is of course super important when it comes to pre flop strategy, but post flop skills are where the real money is made. Play small pocket pairs and suited connectors in loose multi way pots, be careful not to cold call too many hands and protect those big pairs like AA, KK and QQ.
When you have a drawing hand like J10 on a flop of Q82 where the 9 will give you the nuts (as long as it doesn't give someone a rare flush) should I always be calling? Not if the pot is small and there are too few opponents - the pot odds are just too small to call if someone raises, you call and another player re raises, so the best option is to fold. If, on the other hand, there are many players involved and the pot is already big, then the implied odds of making your gut shot to win a huge pot is well worth it, so you should call your marginal hands in big pots.
The same applies for flush draws which come in a massive 35% of the time and when the pot is big on the river, even if you think you are beat it is important to call at least one more bet because you may miss out when your nut flush comes in. Say you have A ♥️ 5 ♥️ and the flop is J ♥️ 6 ♣️ 10 ♥️ . You should be involved in this hand until the river, particularly in a multiway loose game because you stand to make a lot of money if your hand is made. The turn comes a J and someone bets, then it gets re raised by another player and you call. On the turn arrives a 6 of ♥️ and the turn re raiser bets again.
According to the literature in 'Small Stakes Hold'em' you should call for one more big bet because in a big pot like this one you only need to be right 5% of the time to show a profit. They could have just a big pair, small flush or be bluffing! Big flush and straight draws in NL Hold'em.
- You have an open ended straight flush draw with two overcards. You have 21 outs to top pair or better! Even against a large field, you will win this hand well over 50% of the time.
9 ♠️ 8 ♠️ on a flop of J ♠️ T ♥️ 4 ♠️. This is a very strong hand. You have a flush draw and the bottom ended straight draw.
- You have the nut flush draw, a gutshot wheel draw and an overcards. You have twelve outs to a straight or flush and three more to top pair. However, your ace outs are vulnerable to anyone's else hanging around with a bigger ace, so I feel the pot is large you should try to induce any such player to fold (while building the pot that you will often win).
Flush and straight draws are generally good hands. They become even more valuable in games with very loose and unobservant opponents. These players pad the pot while you are still drawing and pay off frequently after you make your hand. In multiway pots play strong draws aggressively. Eliminating opponents often improves your chances to win by spiking a pair. But you also benefit if all your opponents call; strong draws win more than their fair share of time. (Small Stakes Hold'em)
Thanks for reading ~~~~~