Casino PokerStars & GGPokerok
Hello friends.
I decided to play slots. Yesterday played on PokerStars. Who does not PokerStars is not only poker. In one game, I got a big win with a 0.2 $ bet.
After that I closed the casino and went to play poker.
I think I still had a chance to take the pot on the turn. River brought “Four of a Kind” and I was left without a chance to take the pot. Do you often fold with “Four of a Kind”?
This morning I decided to play on GGPokerok.
I got a Super Mega Win with a 0.3 $ bet. This time it didn't end as well as it did yesterday on PokerStars. I continued to play and left this win in other slots. Don't do that, stop and play poker. However, I had a good time.
Results for yesterday.
Leicester City-Aston Villa 0:1 (LOSE)
Football and the way strong teams play disappoints me a lot. The Champions League is coming soon, I will try to make predictions for these games.
Thanks for taking the time to my blog.
Good luck everyone and win.

That's my boi!