Continuing the climb and slowly building the bankroll
Jonathan Little, a professional Poker player and NL Poker coach is well worth watching or reading wonderful readers as he has many up to date insights into the modern game,
It is said that most of the expert player's profits are achieved by winning small pots against weak tight opponents who are prone to folding too much when bet against. I've been trying to use this as much as possible and in another quick hour and a half session today I managed to continue to build my bankroll, which has been creeping up slowly day by day for the past week (minus the £10 lost on football bets over the weekend).
I have been encouraged by Jonathan Little's youtube discussion about buildings a £100,000 bankroll.
The YouTube video is there for everybody to watch. Please ask me for the link in the comment box if you are interested.
The pro poker player repeats the recommendation several times in the video the need NOT to cash out any of the bankroll and I will follow his guidance. He is worth over £7000000 after all from playing poker! He says that the first time he cashed it was $1000 by the time he had made $200,000.
He also said that he used to work at McDonald's. While working at the famous American franchise as a student, he was playing poker and said that if he ever won money from playing poker he would 'put it away' somewhere safely, while his friend whenever he won from playing would spend it on new shoes or clothes. Little became a poker pro, but what happened to the other guy??
So far things have been progressing steadily daily for me in today's short session and although it wasn't plain sailing with one or two bluffs on the river not going to plan against reasonably good players, in the end I upped my bankroll by another 10%! So the total amount is an increase of 44% from a $170 start up deposit. Please take a look below.
Little also says that you should play a lot of poker if you want to build a bankroll quickly. Around 40 hours a week. Due to work and other life commitments I can only manage around 22 hours I've worked out, perhaps 30 hours if you add in the weekend, especially during lockdown. Anyway, please take a look at some of the small pots I won to help me amass further bankroll dollar. One hand was a biggie. I held QQ from mid-late position. I re Raised 4 times the first raise from early position player and got one caller. I decided to raise a seemingly hesitant half a pot betting when I hit top set, and the nuts, as I felt the remaining player would bite. Boy did he bite! He re raised me the pot, I went all in and he had no choice to call. Drawing basically dead with Q7 off suit. :)
Winning small pots generates big profits! Find your edge.
Have a nice day.

Nice post 👌
excellent advice from Jonathan Little.