Cut Off Poker Position
Cut off is the position of the poker player, which is to the right of the button. It is called that way, because from this position it is good to “isolate” opponents who are in earlier positions.
If you are even a little familiar with the concept of positions in poker, then you probably remember that the top one position at the poker table is the button, from which you can practically stamp money with any two cards.
And what is the top two position in this ranking? The answer is poker cut off, and this is exactly the position we are talking about in this article.
Cut Off Poker Advantages
Let's take a look at the order of table positions in Texas Holdem. First comes the small blind (SB), then the big blind (BB), then UTG, then the cut-off and the button. This is a table description for five players. If there are more than five players at the table, then the others are seated between the UTG and the poker cut off, and their positions are called middle positions. In each hand, the button button moves, so the positions of the players will change.
So, the cut off poker player has a strong tactical advantage, which is that he sees what decisions are made by opponents sitting in earlier positions. After the dealer has dealt 2 cards to everyone, the betting round begins and the first decision is made by the UTG, which has the opportunity to fold, call or raise.
If you play a hand in the CO and other players fold, then you can call or raise, showing strength and making the button, SB, and BB more likely to fold. This way you can steal the blinds. You can also bluff by playing a starting hand that will improve postflop. As for the quality of the position, it is second only to the button and is considered one of the most profitable.
Let's summarize the possibilities of the cut off position in poker:
- attack with a strong hand;
- blind stealing;
- using a bluff to play a hand that will improve postflop.
It's worth noting that experienced players already know that raising from late position doesn't always indicate a strong hand and realize that you can steal the blinds and play a marginal hand, especially in tournament play.

Be prepared for your opponents to 3bet your cut off poker raises, especially if you have a reputation for being aggressive.
Cut Off Poker's Range of Hands
As we have already found out, the cut off is considered one of the profitable poker positions, therefore it implies a wide range of cards to play. Let's look at what exactly is included in this range:
- pocket pairs;
- suited aces like Ax (they are included in the category of quite promising cards);
- offsuited aces (it is necessary to take into account the style of play of opponents, because these cards are not considered so strong);
- suited connectors (they are profitable to play, because with them you get the opportunity to hit a straight or a flush);
- high-ranking cards such as aces, kings, queens, jacks, and tens (both suited and offsuit).

If during the game you have suspicions that two or more players at the table are colluding and playing dishonestly, this may well be a team play in poker, and this is prohibited by the rules.
Recommendation for This Position
It is worth noting that, despite all the advantages of this position, you do not need to enter the game with trash hands, as they will significantly reduce the chances of winning. If your bluff doesn't work, you'll have to go all the way to showdown, where the odds of winning with a weak hand are extremely low. Of course, you can fold, but one way or another, you will lose money.
Here are some more important points:
- if this is a tournament, pay attention to the stage of the game (for example, at the bubble stage, the ranges from the CO and the button should be even wider);
- watch the style of play of the player on the button and the both blinds;
- if the game is played offline, remember to keep a poker face so that opponents cannot read the strength of your hand.
Therefore, once in the cut off position, take advantage of it correctly, and see how your profit increases. Remember that cut off poker meaning is really an advantageous one, which means that you should pay attention to the strategy of playing on the CO both online and in live poker.
The main advice is to play with a fairly wide range and take into account the tendencies of the players in the blinds.
In poker, the terms "cut off" and "button" refer to specific positions at the poker table that are highly significant in the game's strategy. Both of these positions allow players to gain more information before making decisions, and therefore, they can often play a wider range of hands profitably.