Suited Connectors in Poker

Suited connectors poker

Two pocket cards of consecutive rank values that belong to one grouping are known as suited connectors in poker. This means the first element is one rank higher than the second, and the second element, in turn, is one rank lower than the first. In plain words, these are 2 suited cards in sequence.

It’s among the most common starting hands to continue participation with. However, this term might be unfamiliar and unclear for some players. Let's consider some examples below.

Regular (offsuit) connectors: 9♠-10♦, J♣-Q♥, Q♠-K♦, A♥-2♠ and so on. These and similar preflop holdings are fit for making straights.

Now, look at consecutive cards of the same suit:

suited connectors poker

Such starters are suitable for playing, as they offer the potential for collecting both a straight and a flash. In written texts, they are typically marked with an "s" (representing "suited"), for example, T9s.

Preflop Odds for Suited Connectors in Poker

There's a fairly high chance of getting dealt consecutive cards pre-flop in Texas Holdem (15.7%). Yet, for them to be of the identical suit, the percentage is not that great – just 3.92%.

Your odds to flop a straight having offsuit connectors is 1.3%, while the probability of getting a straight draw in poker and improving it on subsequent streets is 10.5%. When having two suited elements, your odds of flopping a flush is 0.8%; a flush draw – 11%.

Since SCs allow you to form straights and flushes, your chances of completing a combination on the flop increase. You'll also have more outs on all streets.

Furthermore, your winning odds improve as connectors approach an ace. It is easy to figure them out with the help of a poker calculator.

Chances of winning with SCs on the preflop


Suited consecutive starters ranging from 5-4 to J-T have the maximum number of outs for hitting a straight and a straight flush. Meanwhile, options above J-T hold greater chances of making strong pairs.

It’s best to jump to conclusions after you see the flop. There is a solid probability that one will flop draw with the discussed holdings. But it may have both positive and negative consequences.  

How to Play Such Cards Correctly

The Internet offers many articles telling poker fanatics how to use suited connectors effectively, what to pay attention to, and how to act on every street against certain opponents. Below, we consider general rules.  

Considering rivals & seat
Considering rivals & seat

In other words, you should primarily focus on your adversaries. If most of them are tight players, widen your opening range. Being surrounded by loose rivals, it's better to play less aggressively.

Your position at the table is also paramount. For instance, playing premium SCs is advised in middle positions; in late positions, you can employ a wider range (e.g., button or cut off in poker). The key rule: don't show that your hand isn't strong, and remember to keep a poker face.

suited connectors poker

Most pre-flop strategies recommend raising if your opponents haven’t raised or limped to you.

Entering the game after limping
Entering the game after limping

After two or more limpers, it's often advantageous to either limp or muck your cards.

After one limper, you can enter the action in various ways. For example, if you notice opponents quite frequently fold to raises, you can raise to force them to give up. If you're fighting against a loose player with an extended stack, you can limp to extract more value from them on subsequent streets. If aggressive participants or LAGs are sitting on your left, in most cases, you should choose between raising and folding.

Entering the game after raising
Entering the game after raising

Again, we should base our decisions on our rivals and position at the table.

In most cases, it's advisable to muck your cards after someone’s raise when you're in the blinds because fighting for the pot without position can be challenging. Sitting in the cut-off or button, you may consider calling the bet.

If you notice from statistics that the raiser frequently folds to a 3-bet, you can raise the bet. This move may scare other players away and potentially knock the aggressor out of the game.

These are general recommendations for playing SCs preflop, and a person needs to adjust them to specific circumstances. In MTTs, for example, stages matter a lot. When on the bubble in poker tournaments, a big stack allows you to stick to wider ranges to exert pressure on opponents. If you hit a draw with your suited connectors, you can also employ semi-bluffing strategies actively.

Hand’s Advantages and Disadvantages

In general, SCs are an excellent starting hand we should pay attention to.

  • The most evident benefit of the discussed starters is that they give a chance to collect one of the two pretty strong combos – straight or flush, and at best – straight flush or even royal flush.
  • The second edge is the high playability of these pocket cards on the post-flop.

Once an individual sees the first three shared cards on the board, it will be easy for them to make decisions:

  • if the flop doesn't match their cards, they can send them into the muck;
  • if they have a draw or a gutshot, it's generally advisable to continue playing;
  • when having a pair, two pair, or a set, they should move depending on the situation.
  • in case they hit a ready hand – like a straight or a flush – it's recommended to play it as profitably as possible based on the situation (either limping or being more aggressive).
  • Connectors of the identical suit are fit for playing multiway pots.

When many people are involved in the hand, there is a great probability that combinations better than the top pair will win the pot. SCs provide more outs in this scenario to form more powerful combos. As a result, middle and top pairs lose much more equity in a multiway pot than the starters being discussed

There are also a few disadvantages:

  • Our odds of completing a ready hand on the flop with the discussed starter don’t exceed 20%.
  • When you receive a draw, you'll be playing it in a semi-bluffing manner.

Final Thoughts

Suited connectors constitute essential preflop holdings that deserve thorough study and comprehension. Therefore, pay close attention to how you behave with such hands when parsing your sessions.

If a person follows proper poker strategies and diligently fixes leaks, they will be profitable in the long run. Even utilising a very tight range of hands, gamblers often include premium SCs in the spectrum in addition to top pairs.


🎯 When should you play suited connectors?

There are numerous ways to play the given starters. These approaches will depend on specific factors, including opponent(s) you're fighting against, board texture, and whether you are in position or out of it. 

🏆 What are the odds of winning with suited connectors?

They have a higher chance of winning compared to regular connectors or any two suited pieces, as they can improve to a straight, a flush, or even a straight flush. Strong types like AKs win only in 20% of cases pre-flop against any opponent's range. As the number of rivals increases, their odds drop less sharply than those of pocket pairs. Such hands still hold up quite well in multi-way pots.

🎭 What is the difference between suited connectors and suited gappers?

The first starters consist of two suited elements in sequential order (without any gaps in ranks). Meanwhile, cards with one or two cards in between that belong to one grouping – such as J♦-9♦, Т♣-7♣ and so forth – are known as suited gappers.

💸 Are suited connectors profitable?

They hold significant potential to hit the flop and win a substantial pot in a separate match. With these cards, it's crucial to establish control over the pot already on the preflop. Even if we don’t hit the flop, possessing initiative will help us win more games without making the best combo. It allows us to take down pots by continuing aggression on the flop. This style provides more opportunities and will always surpass the passive one.

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