Daniel Negreanu masterclass review

Negreanu joined MasterClass learning and teaching resource

In 2018, Daniel Negreanu joined MasterClass learning and teaching resource that is known for its famous teachers who provide courses on a variety of subjects.

For example, Christina Aguilera conducts online singing classes and Garry Kasparov teaches chess, Martin Scorsese teaches cinematography and acting technique…

The list of star members of given project is fairly long, but it is worth noting that MasterClass courses are considered of a high-quality, as well as available to the general public.

The member of Poker Hall of Fame and the owner of six WSOP bracelets Daniel Negreanu was no exception, as Master Class founders turned to his agent with a proposal concerning the joint work. DNegs’ team accepted such a proposal by considering it a great opportunity.

According to the words of Master Class co-founder David Rogier, poker is a mental game. Negreanu achieved an incredible success due to his hard work, discipline and unique ability to read his opponents. In this regard, "Master Class" is pleased to provide access to knowledge about tournament strategy from the poker legend.

In addition to the high quality content in "Master Class", Negreanu was also attracted by the fact that the project is aimed at a wide audience. For example, the fans of professional basketball player Stephen Curry may be interested in poker by accidentally stumbling on poker course while searching the classes in basketball.

Daniel Negreanu masterclass review

In his master class, Daniel Negreanu teaches poker and shares advice on how to think like professional players. DNegs also shares his thoughts concerning the play of his hands, as well as teaches the basic principles of play. Negreanu’s course contains the explanation of advanced poker concepts and he always tries to convey them in simple words.

In total, DNegs’ course consists of 38 video lessons, each of which lasts from 10 to 30 minutes. The price of one lesson is $90. In the videos, Negreanu gives examples of hands from the popular TV shows, for example, The Big Game, which makes the lessons more entertaining. In addition, MasterClass also includes a useful workbook, containing information from the whole course. In general, Daniel Negreanu explores the various themes in his courses.

Structure of Daniel Negreanu’s MasterClass

This course is provided as a series of lessons, which are divided into the four large sections:

  • Fundamentals of poker game
  • Different situations at poker table
  • Metagame
  • Final touches

Fundamentals of poker game. This section is most valuable for the players who just start their journey in the poker world. Here you will find explanations to basic poker concepts like hand ranges, positions’ importance, correct hand selection, board textures as well as information on fold frequency and pot odds, that is, poker math.

Different situations at poker table. The second part deals with various betting-related situations that you can face in the game process. These lessons reveal secrets on how to create an ideal bet size in order to mislead your rivals, how to apply c-bet or check-raise correctly to maximize your profit, how to resist 3-betting and etc.

You will also find out how to bluff successfully under particular circumstances and identify your rivals’ bluffing, not only by facial expressions and gestures, but also by taking necessary information from blockers and board texture. All this is a powerful weapon to become a successful poker player.

Metagame. Poker math is not the only way to make correct decisions, as the player can take the wise decisions based on his opponents’ reaction, that is, physical tells. This is a very important component of your play in live poker. "Kid Poker" believes that every move is a little tell, therefore he gives examples of common poker tells and explains their root causes. DNegs also emphasizes that masking tells is a vital element in developing your poker game.

Table talk is also the way of getting valuable information from your rivals, and Daniel Negreanu is one the best example among poker pros who use this method. However, such talking must be for a reason – gather information about opponents, especially if you compete against them for the first time. It’s one more part of the strategy.

In this section, the users will learn how to think and behave at the poker table: think straight, don’t allow your emotions to cloud your mind and logic, and adhere to poker math knowledge.

Final touches. In these lessons, Daniel Negreanu shows that, besides poker strategy, there are the other important aspects of game. They include game selection, managing tilt, bankroll management and, of course, training.

You need to find the most comfortable game or games that can bring you money, otherwise, you’ll quickly lose your funds. It must be your primary objective.

If you want to be a profitable player and reach progress, then you have to learn to control your emotions. Having excellent poker skills is great, but not enough to succeed in this field. Tilting is something that no one is immune to it, since even top professionals might get broken and go on tilt. Therefore Negreany pays special attention to combating tilt and suggests his students to take both the good moments and the bad ones. This is the only key to success.

Daniel also takes time to talk about the relevance of bankroll management and gives tips on how to manage it correctly. In addition, one should practice the game off the table, that is, sharpen his/her skills to optimize the own poker strategy and earn good money.

Tournaments and cash games

By being a very successful poker star, Negreanu can boast of more than $40 000 000 won in the live tournaments. Therefore, he is pleased to share his experience and knowledge in the tournament arena.

In this section, the users are able to get acquainted with tournament strategy at early, middle and late stages. The poker pro tells about importance of adjustment to the new situations and gives excellent tips for MTT play.

There is also information about such an important stage as bubble. If you want to successfully reach ITM zone, adjust your strategy according to the current position, stack size, etc…

If you are not the fan of tournaments and prefer cash games, then you can also find a comprehensive information on this poker format. There are the tips aimed to show the player what he should do in certain situations, and what he should avoid, what opponents are appropriate for taking advantage of, and what rivals pose danger, and so on.


As we can see, the given MasterClass is a decent review of the entire poker game. His video lessons will help you to get acquainted with poker fundamentals, as well as game strategies, including poker math, bankroll management, different tells and other useful tips and important things.

If you want to become like a poker legend, make it through Daniel Negreanu poker school, as he has enough secrets for successful career.

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Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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