Day off gambling?

Hey mates,

 Traditionally questions prevail in my posts and this one is not an exception.

So my first question is - Should I play poker as much as I feel I am showing my “A” game, or is it better to follow schedule?

Playing for many years, I still can’t find an answer to this one, if there is any.. As always, I feel more that it’s all personal and depends on time. Sometimes I feel, like it’s better for me to follow a schedule, other days I feel, I’d rather play 20+ hours and take the next day off. Especially when I feel like playing some big MTTs, I already know, that it will be a long session.

Next question is - During day off, is it better to completely get poker out of your head or you can watch some poker videos? I choose to watch poker content, but at the same time think it’s kinda bad tor me, because I can watch something else and learn more stuff.

And the last question for today is - Physical or mental rest?

It’s obvious that balanced strategy is best choice in this one, but maybe you guys have other options?!

Best of luck,


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Comments (2)

I think so ... but I feel you're dillemma as I often feel this too! Good post 👍 Play tight for half an hour and grind out a couple of dollars then take some good time off?

1 replies
Sounds like a good plan for cash games)
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