Fall seven times and stand up eight...

Hello, everyone!

Yesterday I was spinning the drum many times, but everything is passing by...

The biggest win was this:

 It seems to me that literally everyone who has ever won money in poker, even on a short distance, dreamed of making a living just by playing.

To give up the main job on and just spend your time in front of the computer, playing all day in your favorite game of poker, it may seem like an ideal option to earn money.

Of course, this way of life is also promoted by the fact that there are many professional poker players in the world.

Becoming a professional player can be quite suitable for one person, while for another, with the same abilities it will be a very bad idea.

Such a serious decision should be made taking into account your individual strengths and weaknesses, not forgetting your personal circumstances.

Most players, unfortunately, do not have the qualities needed to be a successful professional player.

I think that you will never make the wrong choice if you have a normal basic job, leaving poker as a profitable hobby.

Of course, there are always people who can be extremely successful professional poker players...

If you think that you are one of them, please try to make sure that you have adequately evaluated yourself and really evaluate your chances of success....

Thank you all for your attention, bye!

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It seems to me that many people play at poker stars precisely to gamble in these cards and in chests;))

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