Hamster and Spin n Go 20€
How are you people
I continue to gain distance. i tuned in, opened the client, and went to say hello to all the regs on the limit. The game is going well, everything is working out,and this is the most important thing. The beginning of the session was quite good. I fight with regulars, weak players fight with me)) I played the first session normally, the schedule is stable, not to the bottom and not to the top. Although the plus is only 1 bain
Now I'll take a break, clear my head, and go back to battle :)
from fun
0% equity, oye
Man who are you?
Another game night is ahead, I went to prepare. Play poker and win. Good luck!:)

How come these players never meet me at the tables? 😂😂😂
tomorrow, during the evening game
This is my cow and I milk it :))
J2 - great bluff from the opponent
In your style?