Hot run this weekend

Hello my fellow cardmaritians,

I haven't played poker in a while since lack of time, but it was always in my mind, I tried watching some of the "Summer Series" streaming and thought a lot about psychology of poker player. I think all my time playing cards, I always liked the game itself more, than the prize. So this past weekend I got myself a window for poker and I made some deep runs. It's ofcourse been a lot of luck during this weekend with a mixture of mistakes and a good played hands.

This is the deepest I managed to get, we made a deal, according to ICM. After a hand, I show you below, my opponents stack size compared to mine was 3/1.

So this is the hand, we are 3 handed, the guy on my left showed a very solid game, other player, marked "yellow" was a complete oposite. I open from BU, get a non standard size raise from "loose" player and a jam from "tight" one. I folded, because I wanted top1 and most likely I am flipping at this hand, which is crucial at this moment. 

What do you think? Good fold or nah?

I also had a 4th, 23rd and 55th place that weekend at other MTT's, a roller coasted cash grind, while waiting for tourneys and pretty much every time I go to bed from phone. =)

Good luck,



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MrKaplin Blocked

Good job!)

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Ukraine Vetal Guru

top2, nice

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