How did I get here, thank you AleksGo.


Saw the comment.

I plucked up the courage to look, and then write the first post here.

A4 all-in to bluff, 72 call.

i am after the flop, I folded.


Rate the blog:
Ukraine Vetal Guru
Comments (18)

Ahah... All Russian Cardmates come here!

2 replies
Ukraine Vetal Guru

no, I wanted to write one post, for the sake of interest, but it looks like I'll have more

Ukraine Vetal Guru

MrKaplin Blocked

Comment on Albanian language?

What's in the screenshot?

Why is the image cropped?

1 replies
Ukraine Vetal Guru

no comment, yes put a minus

congratulations on top2

the author likes it so much


Welcome to the English version of Cardmates. There are several points that need to be clarified so that difficult situations do not arise in the future.

  1. To take part in the competition, write quality posts.
  2. The content of posts must be unique - that is, you cannot just translate posts from the Russian version.
  3. Remember that all your grades are tracked and verified (including personally by me). Therefore, you should not put pluses to your friends and minuses to competitors regardless of the quality of the content. Any collusion and attempts at fraud will lead to bans, as well as to the impossibility of participating in contests.

I hope for your understanding and look forward to quality posts.

9 replies
Ukraine Vetal Guru


Glad to see you.

1 I will do everything in my power

2 ok

3 I regard this blog as a chance to improve my English.

   I rate each post individually

   This post seems to have gotten a minus without collusion, just poorly written

Ukraine Vetal Guru


Why is bias towards me?

Why should I rate bloggers who do not rate me or put a minus?

5 days have passed and they rate me either by 1 point or 2-3 bloggers.

Just keep in mind that I will keep track of the ratings that you give to other people's posts. And of the quality of posts.

This applies to all users on the site.

Ukraine Vetal Guru

it's fine.

 I will be glad to see you in my blog

Ukraine Vetal Guru

Why do not I receive notifications about what you write to me

Ukraine Vetal Guru

Is everything okay here?

Each post loses 15 to 20 points.

Maybe there is an underestimation of the rating of posts?

a lot of russian-speaking bloggers give you minuses. 

even after they write you "good luck!" in comments...

Ukraine Vetal Guru

Thanks, but this does not affect the results? The final assessment of posts with a minus sign kills the desire to write.

The overall rating of each blog post is taken into account.

I see that your two last posts are with positive rating, so don't stop)


0 replies
hi all, good luck all blogers!
1 replies
Ukraine Vetal Guru

thank you

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