I play twisters for 20 euros

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    My name is Alexander, I play spins of 20 euros on the ipoker network. I will share my results, thoughts, the situation in general. 

    My way, like everyone else, I started from the bottom, played spins on 3$ poker stars, and went up. I got to the 15th limit and got a foothold there. But the era of poker stars ended when they removed rakeback.  I switched to red star and started my journey there with a limit of 5 euros.  After 3 months I got to the 20 euro limit. 

     result for 5 euros +600$ approximately

     result for 10 euros + 2800$ approximately

    it gave me a good bankroll for the 20 euro limit. 

let's get acquainted

distribution from the 20 limitt, even at this limit, there are such guys

Good luck everyone, the hamster is in touch!:)

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hey welcome here ⭐

1 replies

thanks :)

Ukraine Vetal Guru

result for 10 euros + 2800$

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