Interesting poker content + challenge

Hey guys,

I've had a wonderfull day off yesterday and today felt so good, wanted to play so much, that I even exceeded the number of maximum tables I can play. Kinda felt like a piano player at one moment, when you have less, than a second to make a decision and move to a next table. It's all good untill you have some hard decisions to make on more than two tables, but it brought me on a new level, where I just pressed buttons, depending on my first impression of the hand.

My challenge is on day 4, so far the balance looks ok. The best part, that there are players at tables.

I also wanted to share some of the cool stuff I found, during my day off.

1 - Bll Perkins vs Matt Staples Challengers Choker Cup. What is Choker you can find here.

2 - Bencb Reviews Hands of SCOOP Highrollers. I found this fun and usefull at the same time.

3 - Mysterious player "Whoiswho" destroys Live at the Bike regs. There was one moment, that made me review my opionion about Garret. If you will watch this episode, you will know why. What do you think yourself? Did he see the cards or no?

Also that 1bb bet Whoiswho made with AK was something we all know, but never do. I will try to take advantage of players during my challenge using this trick.

4 - Doulg Polk describes how players from different countries play. Although it's an old video, but it's still makes a lot of sence.

5 - This is one is from Twitter, ty Doyle.

Hope you find my post interesting,



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